Category Archives: Art & Artists

Be Inspired!

Produced, Directed and Edited by Cale Glendening

London Graffiti

I try to take photos of graffiti whenever I find it. Not because I support defacing property, but more because I think some street artists are amazingly talented and once a piece of graffiti art is on the street long enough it begins to morph and change with additions and tags until it is gone forever. If I could get all street artists to paint on canvas and sell their work I would, but I also know that is not the way it always works.

Recently in London I was in the Shoreditch neighborhood and had a field day with my camera. I even found a couple of ROA pieces that hadn’t been ruined yet.

Meanwhile, back at the overpriced auction…

The recent auction was a total bust, as far as bargains go, so I used my time to capture some of nature’s paintings. I love the patina and the erosion that happens over time to metal and paint. Each small scene is there, waiting to be seen. Auction attendees were looking at me like I was crazy as I snapped hundreds of close-up photos while they were examining possible purchases. I think I left the auction with the best treasures – photos!

All images Copyright: K. Scott Ramsay.Please inquire before using.

The Art of Derek Nobbs

The plight of the independent artist is a difficult one. Anyone with a pencil and a crayon considers themselves to be an artist these days, and now with Etsy if they sell a piece they are a professional artist to boot. The reality is that most aren’t really that good and should have their crayons taken away until they take a few art classes. Then you have the flip side of that coin; a really talented artist that sells their work for accessible pricing as they try to get their name out there and break into the big time (which is what all artists would like to achieve, regardless of how many tell you they don’t want to “go mainstream”). One such uber-talented artist is a fellow by the name of Derek Nobbs. Derek works primarily in watercolor and gauche and paints old world images that even I, who doesn’t have a tattoo, am tempted to ink. I encourage you to check out his work and you just might lay down some cash for a piece or two now, before he blows up. I am probably doing myself a disservice, as I don’t own one yet and y’all are probably going to keep me from doing so as you buy them all up. Check out his work at There is a link to his gallery rep on the main page of the website so you can buy up his work. If you can’t afford an original yet, there is a company in the UK (of course, because once again American Companies don’t sell the best duds…) called Sacred Stitches that is making great Tees of his work.






Finally, I found someone that has worse OCD than I do… AND they turn it into art! Michael Johansson is an organizing artist that creates installations by stacking objects into tightly packed groupings. I have always been obsessed with lineal boundaries and relationships that objects have with space. Mr. Johansson takes it to the extreme, which I can appreciate.












Check out more of his art on his website:

Random Photos

I love my iPhone for its’ camera, even if the resolution sucks…




Marry & Reproduce




Almost Swell


No Motorcycles Allowed


Old Skool

Photo of the Day – Down South


Alfred Eisenstaedt – Atlanta Storefront