Category Archives: Outings

Meanwhile, back at the overpriced auction…

The recent auction was a total bust, as far as bargains go, so I used my time to capture some of nature’s paintings. I love the patina and the erosion that happens over time to metal and paint. Each small scene is there, waiting to be seen. Auction attendees were looking at me like I was crazy as I snapped hundreds of close-up photos while they were examining possible purchases. I think I left the auction with the best treasures – photos!

All images Copyright: K. Scott Ramsay.Please inquire before using.

Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists’ Show 2013

This past weekend was the annual Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists‘ Show & Swap Meet. As usual it was inspirational with some great bikes in all categories. The sun came out and it proved to be a beautiful day of vintage iron and oil!

The One Show

The One Show was everything we expected and then some. There were some great builds, some terrible builds, some vintage, some new-ish, some great surf rock, beer, food, swag… it was great!

Road Trip Finds

I just spent 5 days and 800 miles in the car with both my wife and my parents… and we survived. Along the way we hit every antique store we could find and came up miserably thin in great finds. The future of antique stores is grim, I am afraid. It seems that the internet has finally put a wooden stake in the antiques market, with anything great either super highly priced or not in stores at all. They all seemed to have nothing but the leftovers and LOTS of glass and dishware. Even great furniture was rare to find. I did come away with these 3 gems:


An Amazing Portland Raceway Motorcycle Races Poster from the 1950’s. I paid alot, but I was so happy that the guy dragged it out of the basement, and his personal collection, and then was willing to part with it after owning it for more than 30 years.


A fantastic 1940’s Pontiac Service back-patch for a servicemen’s jacket. It is 13 inches in diameter and all loop-stitched. I will have to find the perfect vintage jacket for this one.


An 18″ Heineken Bar Back in chalkware.

Finding these gems broke the depressing cloud we had hanging over our heads from striking out so many times. There were still some inspiring objects out there, it just seems I am going to have to find a way to make bucketloads of money to afford the good stuff. And to think that I can’t sell great items in Casarama at half the price…

Antique Ranch Auction

This past weekend I attended a 3 day auction at a historical ranch in Prineville, Oregon. While there were plenty of amazing items to buy, the prices were so high I wasn’t able to walk away with much. I found a few gems that I could afford, but mostly enjoyed the experience. While everyone else was paying higher-than-retail prices I was able to bust out my camera and take photos of some great rusty relics. Enjoy…

Warehouse Wanderings

Last night we attended a rather groovy gathering for a common workspace for artists and jewelry makers. All the hipsters were out, but the best part was the building and its contents. I was distracted with my iPhone and took a few photos…












If I had only had my good camera…