Tag Archives: bloody mary

At The Lodge…

Whew, the day with the kidlets, or mini-Amigos, as I like to call them, was a success. No crowds, no skiing, only tubing, topped off by a deee-liscious Wasabi Mary in the lodge!

I gotta make some of these:


1/2 fresh lime juice
4 1/2 tsp wasabi
6 cupslow-salt V8® vegetable juice
3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 1/4 tsp hot pepper sauce
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups vodka

Combine lime juice and wasabi with a whisk, until wasabi dissolves. Pour into a pitcher, and add veggie juice, worcestershire sauce, pepper sauce and salt. Chill. Stir in vodka and serve over ice, with a stalk of celery or pickled asparagus. Serves 8.

Serves 8?! Not in my book! And just for the record, I prefer our local Vodka


Made in Bend, Oregon by Bendistillery. Get some and enjoy. Their Gin, made with local Juniper berries is really delicious as well, but we will save that for the summer.